Jeremy D Updated readme

Jeremy D authored 12 years ago

1) Mantis to The Bug Genie converter
2) Authors:
Jeremy D Added initial converter bas...

Jeremy D authored 12 years ago

3) Jeremy Darwood
4) Joshua Dickerson
Jeremy D Updated readme

Jeremy D authored 12 years ago

6) Translation table guide:
8) Mantis Table	Mantis Column	TBG Table	TBG Column	Notes
Joshua Dickerson Bunch of changes

Joshua Dickerson authored 12 years ago

10) user_table		id				tbg3_users	id
11) user_table		username		tbg3_users	username, buddyname
12) user_table		realname		tbg3_users	realname
13) user_table		email			tbg3_users	email
14) user_table		password		password	Will send a new password to every user
15) user_table		enabled			tbg3_users	enabled
16) user_table		protected			Not sure what this is for
17) user_table		access_level	tbg3_users		Get the MAX(user_table.access_level) to find who is an administrator. I think >= 90 is an admin - TBG admin group is id 1, otherwise set to 2. zegenie: Could also use the "admingroup" (admins) and "defaultgroup" (users) setting from tbg3_settings
18) user_table		last_visit		lastseen
19) user_table		date_created		joined