Issues are now assigned properly to creator
Jeremy D

Jeremy D commited on 2011-11-06 18:18:21
Showing 1 changed files, with 1 additions and 1 deletions.

... ...
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ class mbt_to_tbg extends tbg_converter
849 849
 		foreach ($this->mantis_db->query($query) as $row)
850 850
851 851
-				REPLACE INTO ' . $this->tbg_db_prefix . 'issues (id, issue_no, project_id, title, assigned_to, duplicate_of, posted, last_updated, state, issuetype, category, resolution, priority, severity, reproducability, workflow_step_id, scope)
+				REPLACE INTO ' . $this->tbg_db_prefix . 'issues (id, issue_no, project_id, title, posted_by, assigned_to, duplicate_of, posted, last_updated, state, issuetype, category, resolution, priority, severity, reproducability, workflow_step_id, scope)
853 853
 				VALUES (' . $row['id'] . ', ' . $row['issue_no'] . ', ' . $row['project_id'] . ', "' . $row['title'] . '", ' . $row['posted_by'] . ', ' . $row['assigned_to'] . ', ' . $row['duplicate_of'] . ', ' . $row['posted'] . ', ' . $row['last_updated'] . ', ' . $row['state'] . ', ' . $row['issuetype'] . ', ' . $row['category'] . ',  ' . $row['resolution'] . ', ' . $row['priority'] . ', ' . $row['severity'] . ', ' . $row['reproducability'] . ', 1, 1)
854 854
855 855
856 856